NeuroFrontiers Clinic has a NEW Biofeedback Clinic!
NeuroFrontiers has been planning for some years to add a variety of biofeedback services to our clinic. We are very excited that we now have neurofeedback available. Biofeedback is a technique used to learn to have greater control over your physiology, body and nervous system. Biofeedback helps you relax and make subtle changes in your body. There are various forms of biofeedback, each of which use different devices, including brain wave, heart rate, breath, muscle contraction, sweat gland and temperature based biofeedback.
NeuroFrontiers will be offering various forms of biofeedback, beginning with neurofeedback which is the most well established form of biofeedback. Additional forms of biofeedback will be added to our clinic and coming soon. The following information will give you an overview of neurofeedback, how it is used, the possible benefits and costs.
For more details and an overview on Neurofeedback, please read FAQs here.

For more details and an overview on Neurofeedback, please read FAQs here.
How Do I Refer in for Neurofeedback?
A. Register your Interest
Send us an email, text or let us know in person that you would like to refer into our Biofeedback Clinic. You will need to register with our Biofeedback Clinic, arrange payment for your sessions and sign neurofeedback consent forms.
B. "Set- Up" - Goal Setting Session (20 mins)
You will attend a brief session with a Biofeedback Trainer from our team to set goals for what you would like to gain from your neurofeedback sessions.This will be integrated in your first session which will be of 1 x hour duration. Prior to this session, you will be sent various measures and questionnaires that will be used to track your progress at various points. This information will be used as a basis for future check in's which will be planned to occur following 6, 10 and then again at a further 10 x sessions.
B. "Check-In" - Review Session
This occurs following 6 x sessions and then at 10 x sessions. You will touch base with the Biofeedback Trainer to review how you are tracking you will be sent measures and questionnaires prior to this session to assist with tracking your progress.